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Assessing knowledge

To assess the state of knowledge on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in support of sustainable development.



Pilot projects are to be implemented under the Basel Convention Partnership on Plastic Waste (PWP) to improve and promote the environmentally sound management (ESM) of plastic waste and to prevent and minimize its generation.


As the UN Secretary-General has said, we are currently grappling with the worst global crisis since World War II. As leaders respond to these unprecedented challenges and take the decisions that will shape societies.


The rolling work programme up to 2030 of PISR aims to advance the achievement of the overall objective of PISR, which is to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development.

Work Programme

PISR rolling work programme up to 2030

The rolling work programme up to 2030 of PISR aims to advance the achievement of the overall objective of PISR, which is to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development. The policy framework for the 2030 work programme corresponds to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals, the biodiversity-related conventions and other biodiversity and ecosystem service processes. The 2030 work programme is entirely demand-driven, based on requests received from relevant bodies under multilateral environmental agreements and Governments and inputs and suggestions received from other stakeholders. It is expected to inform all stakeholders in the implementation of their activities to support the achievement of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity, as well as other work under multilateral environmental agreements related to biodiversity. The work programme may also inform the implementation of the Paris Agreement with respect to matters related to the links between biodiversity and climate change. The goal of the work programme is the performance of the four functions of PISR. It is guided by its operating principles. The 2030 work programme is a rolling work programme, with a strategic and predictable timing, so as to allow research and other programming entities and strategic partners to support identified deliverables effectively. The Plenary will launch additional calls for requests, inputs and suggestions during the course of the work programme, in line with the process set out in decision PISR-1/3, which allows for requests, inputs and suggestions to be submitted no later than six months prior to a session of the Plenary. For information on the first PISR work programme 2014-2018 please see here.

Enviromental Statistics


Enviromental Pollution

75 percent indicated last year that nature has been damaged seriously.

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Worlds Affected Population

99% of the world's population live in places where air quality levels exceed normal limits

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300 m

Plastic Pollution

Global plastic production now averages more than 300 million metric tons per year.

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7.3 m

Tree Cover

As of 2020, global annual tree cover loss was the highest due to forestry activities

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World Programme Topics

Understanding the importance of biodiversity in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
Addressing the nature of the interlinkages between biodiversity and other relevant issues reflected in the 2030 Agenda may advance the understanding of biodiversity-related impacts, dependencies, synergies and trade-offs across the Sustainable Development Goals and of options for integrated and cross-sectoral approaches to achieving the 2030 Agenda. To address this challenge, the deliverables under this topic will look, in particular, at the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health and between biodiversity and climate change, with a view to informing the development of policies and actions. Other aspects may include the role of connectivity in ensuring integrity and resilience in socioecological systems;
Understanding the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity:?
Achieving the 2050 Vision in conjunction with the Sustainable Development Goals can be informed by an improved understanding of fundamental changes at many levels, from individuals through communities and businesses to society at large. The deliverables related to this topic are aimed at understanding and identifying factors in human society at both the individual and collective levels, including behavioural, social, cultural, economic, institutional, technical and technological dimensions, that may be leveraged to bring about transformative change for the conservation, restoration and wise use of biodiversity, while taking into account broader social and economic goals in the context of sustainable development
Measuring business impact and dependence on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people:
Appropriate tools for measuring, assessing and monitoring the dependence and impact of the business sector on biodiversity are important for reducing adverse effects. Such tools are also important for promoting business actions contributing to the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity and to developing the business case for long-term sustainability. They are also important for promoting public accountability, informing regulatory agencies and guiding financial investments and in influencing consumer behaviour. Deliverables under this topic include categorization of the ways in which businesses depend on, and impact, biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, and work related to criteria and indicators for measuring this dependence and impact, taking into consideration how such metrics can be integrated into other aspects of sustainability.

Our Objectives

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Assessing knowledge

To assess the state of knowledge on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in support of sustainable development.

Assessing knowledge

This objective will be achieved through the following initial deliverables, corresponding to the three priority topics:

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Building Capacity

To build capacities of individuals and institutions for a strengthened science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Building Capacity

The achievement of this objective is supported by the three components of the capacity-building rolling plan, which applies to ongoing and future activities of the work programme:

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Strengthening the knowledge foundations

To promote the generation of knowledge and management of data on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Strengthening the knowledge foundations

This objective will be achieved through ongoing and future activities across the work programme, as follows:

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Supporting policy

To identify and promote the development and use of policy instruments, policy support tools and methodologies in the field of biodiversity.

Supporting policy

This objective will be achieved through ongoing and future activities across the work programme, as follows:

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Communicating and engaging

To strengthen the involvement of the members and stakeholders and to increase the visibility of PISR and the use of PISR products.

Communicating and engaging

This objective will be achieved through the following:

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Improving the effectiveness of the Platform

To ensure the regular internal and external review of the effectiveness of PISR.

Improving the effectiveness of the Platform

This objective is aimed at ensuring that the outcome of the review of the first work programme informs the implementation of the rolling work programme up to 2030.

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